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Click here to open, save or download the South African Calendar for 2025 (1 January 2025 - 31 January 2026).

Note: The New Moon calculations were done for Johannesburg (South Africa), and will not be applicable to other countries. You are encouraged to look for the new moon at your location in order to determine the Scriptural appointments.

Below is a sample page of our calendar.

The calendar includes the following:

  • New Moon dates, Sunset & Moonset times on New Moon days;
  • Torah Readings for every Shabbat;
  • The dates for all the annual festivals;
  • Candle lighting times (Johannesburg) for those who observe the Orthodox Jewish way;
  • Secular holidays and school terms for South Africa.

Although all care has been taken to calculate the New Moons and Festival days as accurately as possible, we cannot take responsibility for the actual beginning of the days, for which the new moon should be sighted with the naked eye at your location.

Our intention is purely to keep believers informed of Yahuweh's Set Appointments.