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Although we do not stock these titles, below are some of the titles that are available as a special order.
Please contact us in order for us to furnish a quotation on these, or any other title.

A Prayer to Our Father, by Nehemia Gordon and Keith Johnson. A Jew and a Christian discover the Hebrew origins of the Messiah’s prayer. “A Prayer to Our Father” is the exciting journey of faith of a Jewish scholar and an African American pastor who join forces to uncover the truth about the most beloved prayer in the world.
Analytical Hebrew & Chaldee Lexicon, by Benjamin Davidson. (For serious students of Scripture only – the most complete lexicon available) Every Word and inflection of the Hebrew Old Testament arranged Alphabetically and with Grammatical Analyses. A Complete Series of Hebrew and Chaldee (Aramaic) paradigms, with grammatical remarks and explanations.
Appointed Times, by Todd Bennett. What are the Scriptural Appointed Times and what is their purpose? Are the Appointed Times simply Jewish Holidays intended only for those of Jewish descent? Did the Creator establish new or different Holy Days for Christians?Can we know what time it is on the Creator’s Calendar? Todd D. Bennett explores thousands of years of Christian and Jewish tradition concerning the Creator’s Calendar and the Appointed Times, often misunderstood to be exclusively Jewish Holidays. This eye opening study examines the importance of knowing and understanding the Creator’s Calendar as well as the purpose and significance of the Appointed Times which are essentially rehearsals intended to guide those in Covenant with the Creator on the path toward restoration.

Todd D. Bennett explores thousands of years of Christian and Jewish tradition concerning the Scriptural Covenants. This eye opening study examines the importance of knowing and understanding the purpose and significance of the Covenants which are essentially the path of restoration intended to restore fellowship between mankind and the Creator!
Kosher, by Todd Bennett. Did J-s-s declare all things clean to eat? Is it our Creator's will that we east a specific menu?
Todd D. Bennett makes a strong and comprehensive case for an all too often overlooked subject among those who study Scripture. Is keeping kosher for everyone or just for those who practice Judaism? This well researched essay debunks a number of arguments regarding the subject, outlines numerous Scriptural passages which detail instructions in this regard, and illustrates the matter so that any one can easily identify and understand the true will of our heavenly Father.

Todd D. Bennett explores thousands of years of religious customs and traditions which have hidden, suppressed and even altered the Name of the Almighty One described within the Christian and Hebrew Scriptures. This well researched study provides ample support for the fact that the Name of the Almighty can not only be known, but that it should be declared throughout the World. You will also see that Christianity, as well as society at large, has been Hellenized to such an extent that the name of the Messiah, as well as many important individuals throughout history, have actually been changed!

Todd D. Bennett explores thousands of years of Christian and Jewish tradition concerning the Appointed Times, often misunderstood to be exclusively Jewish Holidays. This eye opening study examines the importance of knowing and understanding the purpose and significance of the Appointed Times, which are essentially the path of restoration intended to restore fellowship between mankind and the Creator! This book also looks at alternative Holy Days adopted by the Christian religion, tracing their origin and examining the propriety of their observance.

Todd D. Bennett explores the history of religion and the essence of the faith which is described and taught in the Bible. This book details how man-made religious systems have developed doctrines and traditions which are in direct opposition with the true faith and explains what must be done to be restored to that truth. The reader will plainly see the plan of the Creator as outlined in the Scriptures and will receive answers to questions which have divided the two major religious systems that claim to worship the same God while on two distinctly different paths.
The Final Shofar, by Todd Bennett. Todd D. Bennett discusses what is possibly the most intriguing subject of our time — the end of days and the coming of the Messiah. This book explores thousands of years of Christian and Jewish tradition concerning the last days and provides clear guidance from the Scriptures. This eye opening study examines the importance of knowing our past so that we are not ignorant of what to expect in the future.

Todd D. Bennett answers these questions and more as he explores thousands of years of religious customs and traditions which have obscured and diminished the instructions of the Creator commonly referred to as the Law, but more accurately called the Torah. This well researched study provides ample support for the fact that the instructions of the Almighty are stilll relevant to all Believers, not simply to ancient Israel, those of Hebrew descent or members of the Jewish faith. The reader will discover that the Messiah came teaching the Torah and those who claim to follow Him are charged to obey the Torah or face the punishment ascribed to lawless individuals.

Todd D. Bennett explores thousands of years of Christian and Jewish tradition concerning the identity and purpose of the Messiah of Israel. This eye opening study examines the Scriptural criteria for the Messiah and strips away centuries of tradition which have obscured the true teachings of the Messiah from many.

Todd D. Bennett explores the 1900 years of Christian tradition and Scripture to conclude answers that have plagued the church for centuries about the Sabbath day. This amazing and well documented appeal will have you questioning your own long held beliefs about the day of rest. Disproving the arguments that support the modern day church's belief on the Sabbath, this work will truly set the pace for future study on the subject.
The Scriptures, by Todd Bennett. Todd D. Bennett takes a fresh look at the way the Creator has communicated with Creation throughout time. This eye opening study explores thousands of years of Christian and Jewish tradition concerning the Scriptures. The origins of the texts and the historical process of compiling the Bible are examined. Throughout this book, the importance of reading and studying the Scriptures in the ancient Hebrew language is demonstrated and emphasized.

Todd D. Bennett explores thousands of years of history concerning the identity, purpose and fate of Israel. This eye opening study examines the Scriptural mandate and prophecies concerning Israel and strips away centuries of both Christian and Jewish tradition which have obscured the true identity of the Redeemed. Discusses the relationship between Christianity and Judaism and reveals how the Scriptures identify True Believers. It reveals how the Christian doctrine of Replacement Theology has caused confusion as to how the Creator views the Children of Yisra'el.
Ben Yehuda’s Pocket English-Hebrew / Hebrew-English Dictionary, by Ben Yehuda / David Weinstein. Ben-Yehuda’s Pocket English-Hebrew / Hebrew-English Dictionary derives from the eight-volume Dictionary and Thesaurus of the Hebrew Language, by Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, the father of modern Hebrew, and from new studies by his son, Ehud Ben-Yehuda, and David Weinstein.
Biblical Hebrew Introductory Grammar, by Dr. Page Kelly. Very good as an introduction to Hebrew, based on Biblical Hebrew. Lots of exercises. This classroom course gives a clear statement of the basic principles of the language and offers a wide range of exercises for practice and illustration. It carries the student through to an advanced stage of competence in reading both the Hebrew language and poetry.
Biblical Hebrew Step and Step, Volume 1, by Menahem Mansoor. After years of classroom testing and development, this major new textbook is offered for learning Biblical Hebrew. The author, one of today’s foremost teachers of Hebrew to university students, clergymen and laymen, incorporates the best contemporary methods and techniques for teaching languages.
Biblical Hebrew Step and Step, 2, Volume 2, by Menahem Mansoor. After years of classroom testing and development, this major new textbook is offered for learning Biblical Hebrew. The author, one of today’s foremost teachers of Hebrew to university students, clergymen and laymen, incorporates the best contemporary methods and techniques for teaching languages.
Christianity Reconsidered, by Warren Bowles. Is the Church today what Messiah intended it to become, or have other influences caused it to drift drastically off course? Can we really know what the original ancient course was? Christianity Reconsidered is the product of a former Christian pastor's examination into some of the centuries-old teachings of the Church. His findings led him to a decision that changed his life. In this book you will be challenged with evidence showing that: the Church was born long before the Messiah was; it is important which day of the week you honour; the Jesus preached by the Church is not the Messiah of the Bible; the holidays of the Church have nothing to do with the birth, life, or death of the Messiah; the first believers--including the apostle Paul--did not abandon their Scriptural foundation. If you are willing to take the challenge, you may discover that what you know may not be so. For more information.

It also includes useful guides such as a complete word list of names; maps and explanations.
Hebrew & English Dictionary, by Sivan & Levenston.

This translation (and original Hebrew) of Matthew is of great help to the scholar and serious believer who wish to come closer to the origins of the New Covenant writings.
Hebrew-English / English-Hebrew Dictionary and Phrasebook, by Israel Palchan. This is a very useful almost pocket size dictionary show the English, transliterated Hebrew and Hebrew script of words. It teaches basic Hebrew grammar, the Hebrew alphabet, Pronunciation rules, abbreviations etc.
Pagan Christianity (revised and updated), by Frank Viola. The origins of our modern Church Practices. This book takes the reader to the details of Christian practices in the Church, such as “the order of worship”; “the sermon”; “the church building”;” “the Pastor”; “Sunday morning costumes”; “Tithes and clergy salaries”; “baptism and the Lord’s supper”. All these and many other practices originated just after Constantine (AD 324) or just after the reformation (AD1517). The book references all the pagan origins.
Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. Coded with Strong’s Concordance Numbers. Probably one of the best Lexicons for checking the Greek.

A must have book for every scholar of Scripture. Former Pharisee, Nehemia Gordon, a Dead Sea Scrolls scholar and Semitic language expert, explores the ancient Hebrew text of the Gospel of Matthew from manuscripts long hidden away in the archives of Jewish scribes. Gordon's research reveals that the more "modern" Greek text of Matthew, from which the Western world's versions were translated, depicts "another Jesus" from the Yeshua portrayed in the ancient Hebrew version of Matthew. Gordon explains the life-and-death conflict Yeshua had with the Pharisees as they schemed to grab the reins of Judaism in the first century, and brings that conflict into perspective for both Jew and Christian alike.

A must have for every scholar of Scripture. Former Pharisee, Nehemia Gordon, a Dead Sea Scrolls scholar and Semitic language expert, explores the ancient Hebrew text of the Gospel of Matthew from manuscripts long hidden away in the archives of Jewish scribes. Gordon's research reveals that the more "modern" Greek text of Matthew, from which the Western world's versions were translated, depicts "another Jesus" from the Yeshua portrayed in the ancient Hebrew version of Matthew. Gordon explains the life-and-death conflict Yeshua had with the Pharisees as they schemed to grab the reins of Judaism in the first century, and brings that conflict into perspective for both Jew and Christian alike.
The Letter Writer, by Tim Hegg. A fantastic book on the writings of Shaul (Paul), explaining his background as a Pharisee and Jew. This book is a MUST READ for those who battle with the writing of Paul. This book explains Paul’s “change” of religion from works based to faith based.

An all time favourite, exposing the paganism in the church. Topics include the origins of: The Trinity, Mother & Child; Christmas; Easter; Mass; Idol processions; The Rosary; etc.
Understanding the Difficult words of Jesus (Yeshua), by David Bivin & Roy Blizzard. Insights & perspectives from a Hebraic perspective on the sayings of Yahushua, and proof that the New Covenant (Testament) writings were given in a Semitic language and not Greek.